Ebenezer Assembly of God
We Preach Christ Crucified
First time Visitor
Welcome to Ebenezer Assembly of God! We are glad you visited our website and look forward to meeting you at our Church. As a first time visitor to Ebenezer, you may have several questions. To help you learn more about Ebenezer, please read the following which hopefully provides the answers you seek:
What can I expect at Ebenezer?
Ebenezer AG provides a combined English and Malayalam service every Sunday morning and various meetings throughout the week in which each age and language group is ministered to through prayer services and fellowships.
What time is Service on Sunday Morning?
Sunday School: 9:15 – 9:55
Sunday Worship: 10:00 – 12:30
What can I expect during a Sunday service?
Every Sunday service starts off with Malayalam and English worship through music. Soon after, our congregation is ministered to through an English message, testimonies and then finally a Malayalam message. Translation into English is provided for the Malayalam message.
Is there Children’s Church?
Yes. Our “Little Disciples” program is held every Sunday from 11:30 – 12:30 and is taught by our Youth Leaders. For more details please click on the Little Disciples link here.
How do I find Ebenezer AG Church?
Ebenezer AG is located at 3350 Fuqua St. Houston, TX. Please visit the Contact us page for detailed directions or if you have additional questions about anything regarding Ebenezer, please enter your question and email address on the above listed "Contact" Page and we will get back to you.